24 articles
by World Schools  


The schools that provide the best education—and best prepare students for university and beyond—are well aware that to produce well-rounded students requires more than in-class instruction alone. Providing adequate extra-curricular opportunities for students to explore additional activities, to learn new skills, and to put what they learn in their classes to use in real-world scenarios is a key component of any top-tier school.

What Types of Extra-Curricular Activities are Available?
There may be no single activity that puts a student on a track to guaranteed success in university or in their professional life, but being able to try new things, explore new opportunities, and develop grit and determination through a variety of extra-curriculars can help students be more prepared to overcome whatever challenges they may encounter in the future.

Athletic activities offer students a safe environment to learn to overcome and grow through failure and to push their mental and physical limits. Activities in the arts and humanities provide students with a way to explore their creativity and help them learn to accept and grow from criticism. STEM activities such as robotics, maths competitions, or science fair are fantastic forums where students can explore their favorite subjects more deeply and apply their knowledge to unique challenges. Social and cultural activities such as volunteering, mentoring, or even mock United Nations programs help students explore important social issues and learn to be globally-minded citizens.
Some of the Extracurricular Activities explored by Access ISB Students


Violin | Piano | Guitar | Flute | Drums
Music training with graded exams from UK is available.



Soccer | Basketball | ​Volleyball | Swimming  

Arts & Crafts

Beadwork; necklaces, braceletes, bangles, Shoe-making | Recycling; plastick waste, rubber shoes, flower pots, e.t.c.