French I


Course Overview

This introductory French Course, taught by Acellus Instructor Katrina Carey, is for high school students taking their first course in this language with a goal of mastering French as a second language.  This course has been A-G Approved through the University of California. Course topics include:
  • Introduction to French
  • Greetings
  • Numbers
  • Vocabulary
  • Verbs and Verb Conjugations
  • Currency
  • Familiar Nouns
  • Basic Conversation
  • French Culture

Sample Lesson - Alphabet

This course was developed by the International Academy of Science. Learn More

Scope and Sequence

Unit 1This introductory unit of French I introduces students to the french alphabet, accents, spelling, spelling with accents, basic pronunciation, where french came from, how french has influenced english, and what a cognate is.Unit 2In this unit, students learn basic greetings, informal greetings, formal greetings, introductory greetings, numbers 0-10, numbers 11-20, multiples of 10, tens and ones 20-59, tens and ones 60-99, phone numbers, and email.Unit 3Through the course of this unit, student delve into vocabulary relating to things in a backpack, things in a classroom, classroom objects in plural form, articles, what articles do, and vocabulary relating to classroom commands and expressions.Unit 4Building on the concepts learned in the previous unit, this unit introduces vocabulary relating to people in the classroom, pronouns, subject pronouns in french, the verb avoir, uses for avoir, negation - pas de, common expressions with avoir, colors vocabulary, colors - agreement and placement, and colors as nouns.Unit 5 This unit covers vocabulary relating to activities, expressing likes/dislikes, actitivies with jouer, conjugating er verbs, negation of er verbs, activities with faire, contractions with definite articles à and de, as well as est-ce-que, expressing preferences, and/but/or, and adverbs of frequency/wellness.Unit 6Building upon and extending the concepts learned in previous units, this unit focuses on vocabulary relating to immediate family, extended family, possessive adjectives, possession with DE, nationalities, the verb Être, and the negation of the verb Être.Unit 7In this unit students learn vocabulary relating to personality, personality descriptions - Être, physical descriptions, describing yourself and others, BAGS adjectves, BAGS adjectives placement, Avoir vs. Être, as well as c'est vs. Il est/Elle est.Unit 8This unit of French I focuses on vocabulary relating to months, days of the week, writing the date, le and the days of the week, french holidays, seasons, weather expressions, more activities with faire, conjugation of the verb faire, asking questions with faire, as well as asking questions with inversion.Unit 9In this unit students learning about telling time including hours and minutes, half past, quarter past, À Quelle Heure, school subjects, expressing opinions about school, talking about school schedules, and culture in french schools.Unit 10Building on previous concepts, this unit delves into vocabulary relating to places in the city, the verb aller - conjugation, using aller in a sentence, future proche, the verb venir - conjugation, venir de for the recent past, vocabulary relating to interrogatives, and building a question.Unit 11In this units students are introduced to french meals, vocabulary for breakfast foods, the verb vouloir, lunch food vocabulary, the partitive article, the verb prendre, other verbs like prendre, vocabulary relating to dinner food, Au Café, IR verbs, and IR verb conjugation.Unit 12This unit delves into vocabulary relating to basic clothing, seasonal clothing, demonstrative adjectives, interrogative adjectives, accessories, style adjectives, describing clothing, RE verbs, and conjugating RE verbs.Unit 13Building on the previous concepts presented in this course, this unit focuses on currency, hundreds, thousands, c'est combien?, review ER verbs, le passé compose, and le passé compose with Être.