Grade 5 Math

Scope and Sequence

Unit 1 – Positive NumbersIn this unit students study positive numbers. They learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, place value for billions and decimals, comparing and ordering decimals, and decimals in expanded form.Unit 2 – Addition and SubtractionIn this unit students study addition and subtraction. They learn to do mental math using the commutative and associative properties, to round whole numbers and decimals, to estimate sums and differences, to do multi-step story problems, and to add and subtract decimal amounts.Unit 3 – MultiplicationIn this unit students explore multiplication. They learn the properties of multiplication, mental multiplication, estimating products, multiplying by 1- and 2-digit numbers. They practice with multiplication story problems and estimating products story problems.Unit 4 – Division Part 1In this unit students study division. They learn to divide tens and hundreds, as well as estimating quotients, and using reasonableness. They learn about dividing by 1- digit divisors and finding quotients with zeros. They practice with division story problems.Unit 5 – Division Part 2In this unit students continue their study of division. They learn more about estimating quotients including problems with 2-digit divisors. They also study dividing by tens, finding 1- and 2-digit quotients, and they practice with story problems.Unit 6 – Algebraic Variables and ExpressionsIn this unit students study algebraic variables and expressions. They learn what algebraic variables and expressions are, as well as studying patterns, the distributive property, the order of operations, and evaluation expressions with brackets.Unit 7 – Multiplication and DivisionIn this unit students study multiplication. They learn about multiplying decimals by a power of ten, multiplying whole numbers by decimals, and estimating products with whole numbers and decimals. They also learn multiplying decimals by whole numbers and multiplying decimals by decimals. Then they multiply decimals by decimals in story problems. Following this unit students are presented with the Mid-Term Review and Exam.Unit 8 – Divide DecimalsIn this unit students study about dividing decimals by powers of ten and by whole numbers, estimating quotients for decimals and whole numbers, and division with decimal divisors and dividends. They also practice multiple step story problems.Unit 9 – Two-Dimensional ShapesIn this unit students study two-dimensional shapes. They learn simple geometry concepts and measuring and classifying angles. They also learn about polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals, and finding the area of squares and rectangles.Unit 10 – Understanding FractionsIn this unit students are introduced to fractions. They gain a basic understanding of fractions, how they relate to division, fractions greater than one, writing equivalent fractions, and fractions in simplest form. They also learn about changing fractions to decimals.Unit 11 – Add and Subtract FractionsIn this unit students learn about adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators and with unlike denominators. They also learn about using benchmark fractions to estimate amounts, as well as finding least common multiples, and adding and subtracting fractions in story problems.Unit 12 – Add and Subtract Mixed NumbersIn this unit students learn how to add and subtract mixed numbers. They learn how to use this add and subtract mixed numbers in story problems, and they learn how to estimate sums and differences with mixed numbers.Unit 13 – Multiply and Divide Fractions and Mixed NumbersIn this unit students learn to multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers. They begin with multiplying a fraction by a whole number, and go on to multiplying fractions, multiplying mixed numbers, and dividing a whole number by a fraction. They practice story problems with fractions.Unit 14 – Three-Dimensional FiguresIn this unit students study three-dimensional figures. They learn about solids, volume, volume of irregular shapes and solids. They also learn to solve problems using models and pictures.Unit 15 – MeasurementIn this unit students study measurement. They learn about length in customary and metric units, capacity in customary and metric units, weight and mass, and converting customary and metric units.Unit 16 – Data and GraphsIn this unit students study data and graphs. They learn about surveys and data collection, and representing data with line plots. They also study ordered pairs, interpreting patterns in line graphs, and comparing numerical patterns in graphs. 

Students are presented with the Final Review and Exam.